A Brand New year has begun. Eric - you have 22 months to go & Dongwan - you have 24 months more. I'll be counting down and waiting for you right here.
M & JJ, I hope you'll enlist early too, then we'll all be reunited earlier. Andy too. I hope you'll enlist this year. Hyesung, I'm also waiting for you. Though I'm waiting for side 2, don't rush, lose sleep & appetite. Eat well, rest well & sing well. I'll be looking out for that handsome prince - waiting to see you singing on TV. I also need to hear your voice.. singing me to sleep.
A new year calls for new resolutions and wishes.... I wish you guys a Happy New Year filled with lots of awards and good music. Good health and wealth too. Take care & I love you.
Urineun Shinhwa imnida